Google sucks, Lunchmeat and baby Hitler.

 So Google Sucks ..... 

I did an image search for "Sexy asian milf" ... and it came back BLANK ... no search results found. 

So I went to Duck Duck Go and put in the same words in and got one million pictures ... 

So thank you Duck Duck Go and fuck you Google, you crappy search engine .  

And DDG wont sell your search inquiries to advertisers.   

Do you like Lunchmeat ? I bet you do. I have fed my meat to many ladies for lunch.... some got breakfast and some got a midnight snack ... But everyone loves it. 

I also think that Adolph Hitler was a cute kid. I am not a nazi. I am not a white supremacist .. I am just a guy who thinks most kids are cute. If anyone can find a baby picture of Joseph Stalin ... I would love to compare the two.

Also ... for the people too stupid to understand Hitler ... He was so racist that he killed mostly other white people that he did not like. My moms side of the family is slavic ... we have dark slanted eyes and dark hair and he killed millions of poles and poland was the only allied country to lose world war two ... 

If you dont understand why this happened ... just ask .. I love history  

AND LUNCHMEAT MOTHERFUCKERS ... never forget the lunchmeat 




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