I would like to help everyone UnderSTANd this guy who started this blog.

 I really dont like telling some stories because people dont believe I can really be this big of an asshole and this nice of a guy all at the same time ... like I make up some alter-ego to post stupid shit on a blog that is only looked at by 10 people .... So let me give an example .

I had a first period science class in the 11th grade. I missed it about half the time and the teacher actually quit telling on me for missing class. He was a young Polish guy who was pretty cool. 

I would get high every morning before his class... he even threatened to call the cops on me once. 

So one day i am in Algebra class and i get called out and was told to go the the polock science teachers class... so i did .... 

What did i see when i entered .... my mom ... my step dad and the school counselor. 

So they sat me down and told me how smart i was and that i could have the world if i would just do what was expected of me. 

My mom who was a horrible mom most of the time and never gave two fucks if i even went to school ... or ate half the time .... and my step dad ... he was not a bad guy .. and i still love him .. but he showed up way too late in my life to make any difference .... 

And the school counselor .. the overpaid whore who i had never spoken to before because she did not waste her time on working class kids like me . She spent all her time kissing the asses of rich kids and helping them get grants and shit even though they drove european cars to school that their parents had bought them. You have to make sure the rich kids go to college ... LOL 

So they give me this pep talk and the councilor is stupid enough to tell me that she put me on the roster for summer school because i just might fail and i did not want to graduate late as my senior year was coming up .... I DID NOT SAY A WORD FOR THE WHOLE FUCKING MEETING ... I was so fucking pissed ... 

So next day in class .... I walked past the teachers desk and put my text book on it and smiled ... I said i was turning in my text book because i would not need it anymore ... because .. you know ... summer school ... 

I spent the next two weeks sleeping in his class and giving him dirty looks .... 

Then final exam day comes around and everyone gets their exam ... I turned my exam upside down ... and laid my head on the desk so i could nap while everyone took the exam .... 

THEN ... the stupid ass science teacher tells me to come outside and talk to him. 

He told me that my grades were not as bad as i thought and that if i got a decent grade on the exam, i could still pass his class ... AND THAT PISSED ME OFF EVEN MORE .... 

So i said ok, I understand ... The teacher got a big smile on his face and we went back into the class room .... I walked over to my desk ... grabbed the exam and ripped it in half so the whole class heard it and then i walked over to the trash can giving the science teacher the death stare ..... 

I threw it in the can and told him ... see ya in summer school ... and i walked out of his class... 

FUck your stupid rules ...This aint no show .. THis is Stan ... 

Be nice and honest and i will try to be the best guy you know ... try to manipulate me and or push me around and i will do everything i can to fuck your shit up ... even if i fuck myself in the process ... 

Thats me ....  


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