Stans finding out how to work this

                     Stans Stoned Stuff and thoughts. 

 Sometimes i get stoned and think of stuff. This is some of that stuff. 

 1. Drone technology is scary. The next big war will involve civilian container ships that release billions of killer drones over the targeted area or country. The technology is available ... and many people much smarter than me think about this crap. Think about drones that swarm the sky like birds.. and dive and explode on anything that moves ... so after the drone attack ... even most of the buddies are dead. 

Thats scary shit. 

2. Electric cars. By 2030 most cars will be electric. They will probably last a long time compared to gasoline cars. Where will the government get gasoline tax money from? Will you put off your next car purchase to buy electric or see what is available ? 

Thats not scary at all unless you own a gas station. 

3. Vaginas and what you can put in them. They really are amazing things. Did you know that an entire baby can get pushed out of one of those things ... and in a few weeks .... Blammo ... good as new. That would be like having to spit a bowling ball out of your mouth and enter a whistling contest the next week. Amazing things these vaginas. 

Thats only scary if you are brave and own a vagina. 

What do you guys think ? 

Any personal knowledge and/or experience  with these amazing subjects would be greatly appreciated by all. 

 Thanks to everyone for being patient with my blogging skills ... I am self taught so far. 

 I was trying colors and stuff .... 


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