Explaining gay people to my 5 year old.
This Story takes place in the late 90s. Little Stan and myself were watching Will and Grace.
Little Stan : Daddy, why does Jack act like a girl ?
Me : Because he is queer as a three dollar bill.
Little Stan: What does that mean?
Me" Queer means weird and three dollar bills dont exist, so they are really weird. Thats just a funny way of saying Gay.
Little Stan: What is gay ?
Me: You know how daddy has girlfriends and your mommy has a husband, well Jack likes other boys like that instead of liking girls.
Little Stan: Thats gross ....
Me: Well I agree, but thats what some people like to do.
I thought I had explained the situation well enough and my son seemed satisfied with the answer he received and he understood the concept. or so I thought .............
Soon after we were in a store .. me and my boy. We were walking down the aisle when a very flamboyant gay man walked by.
So of course my son looks at me and says in a really loud voice ...
"daddy, look... Its a three dollar bill"
I picked up my son and ran away from where the gay man was laughing.
This really happened. Of course I had to explain why it was not nice to call them three dollar bills and I probably should never have been entrusted with the raising of a real child at that point in my life. But i thought it was hilarious then and its hilarious now.
I love my son, he always makes me laugh.
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