I saw a chipmunk in my back yard today for the first time !!!!!

Today I saw a chipmunk in my yard for the first time since I have lived here. When i moved in there were some feral cats living in the woods behind my house. They no longer live in the woods behind my house and I think that might have something to do with the chipmunks showing up. 

 I love Chipmunks. I lived in a house that had them, lots of them. They are horribly entertaining to watch and much more interesting than squirrels. They are the coolest little animals. 

 They just want to run around and be super cute and eat nuts and shit. They also like to eat baby rats. (many people dont know this) 

 They encompass the most important attributes I think you can find in a wild animal. They dont want to hurt anything except baby rats and they have attitude. They dont want to be fucked with and they dont fuck with others. They are just looking for a nut. Even I have done that before.

 I once was outside at my old house and i heard a commotion in a bush and i was thinking ... GREAT .. Another fucking feral cat is killing another bird. So I watched the bush that was shaking and had weird squeaks coming from it.  

Then a little brown bird came flying out of the bush and a chipmunk jumped up in the wall and was squeaking and raising hell .... like come back and get some more you little mother fucking bird ..... 

I laughed so hard, I will never forget that. 

 Chipmunks are cool and i am very happy to see them in my back yard compared to a bunch of feral cats that kill all the cute little native creatures. 

 Do you love chipmunks? I do. 


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