Whats new and whats happening ... and i suck as a moderator

  I have been away from Disqus and blogger for a couple weeks or three ... life gets you busy and distracted sometimes. Sometimes Its not as fun as i want it to be so I step away for a while. 

So there is nothing new in my life.... My 5 year old nephew gave me a horrible cold (not covid) and me and my wife got into the worst fight ever and we made up... I really love that girl and have no idea why she stays with a man who has such a wicked tongue. She is not perfect either and so we worked it out ... 

Marriage is not always easy... It is most of the time ... but shit happens ....  

So tonight i was bored and was like ... I need a little disqus in my life tonight .... check up on the shit blog and make sure all the assholes have not posted anything to have me arrested .... 

The first place i went after logging on was TGO ... Thats normal for me as i usually get a chuckle out of that crazy guys bullshit ..... and the video i watched is someone posting his address on the interwebnet thingy .... 

I have not looked over all the blogs and i really dont like baby sitting mother fuckers ... so someone please tell me that was not done on my blog ... if it was ... please post a link and i will ban any mother fucker who doxes someone on my blog .... I will also write the most scathing fucking post about said persons, person and all the traits i find revolting ... so please tell me thats not on my blog .... 

It would probably be a good time to add another moderator .... 

I tried to add URSA as a mod but it did not work ... he did not want the job or ask for it ... so i thought that was a good enough reason to make him a mod ..... 

Anyways .... lets talk shit  .... whats new and please dont dox people ... and dont do it on my blog ... I dont even know if it is on my blog as he did not say and i will now have to look for it .... 

Anyhooo ...... I was going to post a Christopher Hitchens video with the topic about contemplating your own death and what you think about it if you really do think about it. 

But i got side tracked and shit .... 


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