Assault arrows should be outlawed.

 There was a horrible crime in Norway where five people are reported to have been killed. The only way we can feel better about this is to ban bow and arrows. 

Thats right. Native Americans beware. You just thought we pissed you off already, wait until we outlaw bows. 

No one needs to have so much power as is available with todays assault bows. Only military units and police should have access to such dangerous weaponry. 

Any man with access to trees and string will have one arm removed at birth so that he can never string a bow or double slap a hoe. 

 Its time for some sensible laws people. 

Remember the victims in norway and take away bow and arrows and feel safer. 

We also need to quit glorifying weapons to children and turning them into bow and arrow mass murderers. 

 Lets Ban these horrible things and stop the killing. 



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