Lindsey Graham loves Trump and mens asses.


Lindsey Graham is most likely a homo. I dont like Lindsey Graham. 

I do not have anything against gay people. If you want another mans hairy ass, well i hope you braid the hair and have a great time. 

I dont like Lindsey because he is FULL OF SHIT. 

How and the fuck do people in South Carolina keep finding these assholes ? They had that one senator that hated blacks and did all kinds of stupid shit to black people in Washington ... 

When he died,  his black daughter was revealed. 

When Lindsey dies, about 200 male sex workers will come out and tell his story. (its already happening) 

So lets look at the facts,  he is in his early 60s. He has led a public life as a conservative bible thumping asshole from down south. He has never been on a date with a woman or had a relationship with a woman, with the exception of his hair dresser and his maid. 

I hate him because he is a hypocrite.  If he would come out as gay, I would not care . If he did this he would never get elected again. 

 When it all comes out .. It will be like Strom Thurmond ... after his death .... 

So Strom .. you were a racist hypocritical asshole and I hope Satan has some black demons ass fucking you right now. 

Lindsey ... Satan will probably just put you in a room with Trump. Do you love hypocritical liars who live on tax money? I hope you do .... I dont ... 

There are several male sex workers who recently revealed that Lady Graham (as they call him) is queer as a three dollar bill. 

 And if you are democrats ... please explain what bill clinton was doing on That private island with the child molester. 

Democrats and Republicans suck  

I was going to cut and paste an article, but i figured most of you people have google already . 

Hypocrites suck ... google that :) 


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