The 421st hacked your blog ?


Recently, I was accused of hacking a blog or someone here was accused of hacking a blog, or something like that. I would like to ease your fears and assure you that I am not capable of computer hacking. My computer training in school consisted of a square computer block type thing, I think it was an apple ... that took floppy discs in 1984. 

 I know its hard to imagine that I could create such fine computer generated art without some kind of fancy college degree.   

So please dont accuse me of doing things I am not even capable of doing. Its hard to deny something when you know its ridiculous. 

 I had a long time acquaintance recently accuse me of such things and then ban me from their blog. 

 I might owe someone an apology but I have not investigated all the happenstance that happened. But it wont be an apology for hacking anything. 

 This Blog is fun. I was just looking at some past threads. We have people who will talk here who wont talk to each other on other blogs/websites. I think thats awesome when that happens ... 

The discussions go all over the place with 100 different subjects being discussed all on the same blog on the same thread. Discussions about religion, home decorating and someones mom all inhabit the same space. 

The 421st is not a safe place. Its a safe place if you are sick of unfair moderation. Its not a safe place if you let your feelings stick out too far. 

Disqus is fun. If Disqus is not fun, you are doing something wrong. 

I miss you Charlotte, please come back. 


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