I just figured out U.F.O.s and aliens. Secret stan theory revealed.

 Many things have been written about the UFOs that have now been reported by different militaries. Its no longer just quacks and wacks who think their might be actual UFOs. 

 So we know for sure that there are UFOs.  They are unidentified and the seem to move in direct relation to different military aircraft. We don't know if there are aliens inside, but some kind of intelligence is obviously involved. They have been seen an tracked accelerating to mach 10 and shooting into space when approached by a fighter jet. 

So there is something.  Now we just need to figure out what they are. In order to figure out what they are, lets discount some common theories. 

1. They are hear to observe us. This is the most likely of the common theories, but it does not hold much water. If the aliens are smart enough to get here, they dont need to come into the atmosphere to watch us. 

2. They are a scouting party for a future alien invasion. This is not likely at all. There is nothing on Earth that is not easily found in abundance throughout the universe.They are not coming for our Gold or Platinum. They have plenty if they want it . 

3. The Aliens put us here as a science experiment. 

I find this theory interesting, but unlikely. They might have mastered some kind of time travel to make it worth investing 5 billion years of research in us, but I would hope they could grow something smarter than us in 5 billion years. 


There are aliens and they can and do visit this planet and get quite close to the surface and have even been filmed by fighter jets flying into the ocean and flying back out moments later ... 

So if they are not here to study us, or invade us, or learn something about their own evolution in some kind of over the top science fair exhibit , what could they be here for? 

Here is the answer ..... 

Little, bad, juvenile delinquent alien mother fuckers who need a good outer space ass beating.


They are not supposed to fuck around on earth. The alien parents and teachers know that fucking with a less developed civilization will always be in the detriment to the less developed. 

So there are rules in alien space land and they are not supposed to fuck with the dumb monkeys flying jets on this planet ... But a 16 year old alien or its alien equivalent would love to come and fuck with the hairless apes who try to lock weapons on him. 

This also explains the crop circles and the mutilated cattle .... The bad little shits were just joyriding around tearing shit up. Making crop circles on the monkeys farm and laughing in your spaceship as you zip out of the gravity of earth while hitting a big space joint laughing your alien ass off with your little alien friends. 

 This also explains the abductions and the anal probes reported all over the earth ... 

 A bunch of 16 year old alien fuckers daring each other to abduct a hairless monkey and stick something up its butt and then setting it free to see what it does.... 

You can see how this could get out of control fast with such impressive technology at their bad ass little fingertips. 

 So now you know ... Aliens are real and they are here. I hope this computer post is intercepted by the Aliens out there and they take immediate action to discipline their outlaw youth.


Please tell me your theory if you think mine might be incorrect. Thank you. All viewpoints allowed and no one ever gets banned for talking shit :)  


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