Lets register some stupid American blog rules.

 I will put all my comments in blue. I also added the pictures. 

Hello! Sup ? 

I am forced to put up a Comment Policy in an effort to inform Marxists, fascists, the far left, trolls and other provocateurs of what is and is not permitted at the (blog name removed) blog. Who decides who the fascists are ? I think I found one.  

 For the record; (blog name removed) is not a forum for debate and was never intended to be a forum for debate. Most people with echo chambers never admit to it. This paragraph actually impressed me 

It's that simple - (American blog name removed) is a site for like minded, moderate to right wing patriots to socialize, connect and network; that is plainly stated at the top of the header page. Why exclude Libertarians? We are farther to the "right"  than the republicans on many government issues. 

This means you cannot barge in here uninvited and start calling people names, while complaining about fucking Donald Trump or other people you do not like. You also cannot make personal attacks upon people here, neither can you threaten them, nor can you make idiotic posts about how you are going to kill politicians or blow up buildings. Trolling, consistently off topic remarks, and pornography of any type, along with urological or scatological photographs are not permitted on (American blog name removed) either. So our opinions should align with yours or we are automatically trolls ? Got it. Brilliant way to keep the Q-Anon people happy. Thats very " North Korea" of you.   

 This blog and its owner opposes what is happening to this nation, and opposes the regime that is in place; I plainly state that, and it is my right to state that according to the Constitution of the United States of America. Yes, I have freedom of speech, and freedom of association, and I reserve the right to exclude any or all of those that arrive to harangue or disrupt a forum that is plainly devoted to a moderate to right leaning worldview. So glad you admit you want an echo chamber. But we understood that from the second paragraph. 

For those who are like minded patriots - personality clashes do occur, so please try to be civil to one another. We should not let small differences stand in the way of our objectives, which will evolve as we interact. If your objective was to create a stupid fucking echo chamber while clutching the flag ... I would say you are on the right path. 

If you do not like these community guidelines for whatever reason, tough shit - leave, as that is your only option. I suggest that you go to a left leaning blog; or an unmoderated blog, there are plenty of them on Disqus. Why no list of the unmoderated Blogs? Those sound way more fun than this Trump smelling shitstain of a blog. 

BE WARNED: Those individuals causing disruptions, making threats or repeated personal attacks, or those who troll or commit other prohibited actions which violate the Comment Policy of (blog name removed) and Disqus will be permanently banned, with no appeals accepted. You forgot to mention that you would ban anyone who posts at my blog for no reason. 

Quite simply: Don't fuck with me, at all, or I will throw your goddamned ass out on your ear without a second thought! I am so fucking with you and the fact that you banned me just makes it funnier.

Thank you for reading; heed my words and we will get along fine. Don't heed them; you will be removed, and your posts deleted. Oh no. You will take away my ability to listen to a bunch of fat Trump supporters who live on social security talk shit about the "corrupt system" 

I am so happy that they made a thread about the rules after they made a thread about me. Funny how that happens :) I still got this shit! 


No one is banned at the 421st blog. Not bad for a bunch of fascist, communist sympathizers. We should act more like patriotic Americans and ban more people. What do you think ?  


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