Disney land in 2021


  The Peter Pan on the float was a girl. It was so obvious. Not that there is anything wrong with that. 

  There should be a weight limit imposed on people who wear workout pants in public. I know you people have mirrors and friends. 

 This was my first visit to the great Disney park where I only saw one Japanese guy with a huge camera. Back in the 80s, thats how you could tell who was from Japan .Now they blend in with the other asians, just a heads up.

  Here is my only real complaint about Disney in 2021.  People on smart phones. I dont have one, and I dont want one.  Last time I visited Disney smart phones did not exist. I liked it better then. 

   Next time you go for a walk of play with your dog,or spend time with your romantic person .... try doing it like  we did it in the old days. 

   Look at something to capture the memory, pay attention to those cute things your adorable kids are doing as you fumble around with that stupid god damned smart phone trying to get the perfect picture of whatever the fuck that no one will ever want to look at, especially on that stupid god damned phone. People are missing alot while they stare off into a little 4x7 screen on some little shit computer. 

     I visited Disney with my kid over 20 years ago when he was 5. When the floats came by all the little kids were on dads shoulders to watch and get the best view. I held my son on my shoulders until they ached and I was never more happy in my life, and neither was my son. 

    In 2021, most parents were holding cell phones to film the stupid shit as the kid stood in the ground and couldn't see shit. Good job making memories ... on your cell phones you dumb asses. 

    Technology is cool .... so are doughnuts .... too many of them will make you sick and you miss out on some of the other cool stuff.   

 What is your opinion of techy tight pants on a cell phone ? 



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