Having a dumpster fire Christmas


   Christmas is a time to celebrate a Jewish guy who was also God who sacrificed himself to himself to prove something. I cant get my mind around this concept and I have given it much thought. 

   I want to thank everyone who has given me directions on how to add other authors. I looked and  I understand what is to be done, but I don't know anyone's e-mail address.  

   Is there a way I get that from the Disqus profile or do I have to ask people for their e-mail address? 

  This blog will be much more fun with other people posting articles. 

   I really don't care what kind of articles you guys post on this blog and of course there will be no rules made about content except for what blogger does, and blogger will zap threads on this blog. They have done it. 

   To not get threads zapped by blogger, you cannot do anything that even resembles in the slightest way harassment of a person who reads this blog.  If you mention someone's name, and someone complains, they will zap the thread and then you have to edit it and see if blogger will let you repost it. Its much easier to just not mention anyone in an article unless its something that is positive and could not be construed as negative. 

   Most of us remember the thread about someone's mom. Someone complained about that, or their mom did ( although his mom never complained about anything before). So thats my only real suggestion.  Don't mention anyone's name or get too specific about other people. 

  Disqus does not give a shit about what we put in the comment section, and the only thing to get banned here is for threatening someone or doxing them. Simple rules that everyone knows and agrees with. 

  I want to start with the invitations to write articles to the Mods first on this blog. I know they are all looking out for this blog and I wont have to worry about anything they post. I think we should let others who are not mods but might want to post also contribute if they wanted to. I dont think its a great idea to open it up to every unknown person who asks ... because thats how a hater would get in and post bad things to get the blog shut down.

   Its a shame some people have nothing better to do than complain about silly blogs on the fringes of the internet that is used by mostly 30-50 year old people. Its also kind of ironic and funny.. Just like this dumpster fire of a blog. 


  I hope everyone has a happy baby Jesus day. 


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