If you are a mod and you would like to contribute articles, please post your e mail address on one of the open threads and immediately delete it.  

   I will look through the deleted comments and write down the e-mail addresses and then put them in the boxy thing on the blogger page. 

  This seems like a secure way to do it. It also seems like the easiest way to do it. I think it needs to be a gmail account ... maybe not ...

  I will have most of today to mess with Disqus and then its back to the grindstone of life. The next few weeks will be very busy for me and I wont be around much, thats why I would like to add people today if anyone sees this thread today. 

  I am so high. I am going to walk my dogs. 

   I suggest everyone gets a good spouse and a good dog before they die. It makes life pretty cool and laid back. 


 This is a cute dog from the internet .... 

My dog would sit on it :) 



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