Starting from the left. 

1 Pony. Pony is a prolific mod. He often brags about his modding attributes in case you forget how stunning he is. He has like 10 kids and he is trying to fill Australia with little ponys.  

2. Stan. Thats me second from the left. I dont like to talk about myself much. I just try to be fair to everyone. 

3. Paul. Paul is an opinionated English mod. His trademark move is to piss someone off really good and then post pictures of his latest home cooked meal.

No troll on Disqus has found a way around Pauls trademarked move and for that we love him ... And he also does stuff on the mod panel like Pony does.. mod work stuff  

4.  URSA.. What can I say about URSA that has not already been said? Well.. He is the most consistent mod we have.  He has never opened the mod panel or changed anything. We would like to thank him for being consistent and reliable. 

If you have any problems or concerns .. we would like to ask you to tag URSA and ask him to fix it.

If URSA ignores you for more than a couple days ... ask any other mod and we will be happy to help you. We just like to bug URSA. Thanks for the help. You can also tag URSA multiple times ... he loves that. 

 I am off work today and its snowing and I have lots of pot. I dare you to reply to this thread :) 


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