Need a hero? Here is a drug dealer :)

    Roger Reaves was a drug smuggling pilot who has a life story like an adventure novel.  I listened to an interview he did and I am so impressed by the morals and character of this man. 

    Although he did break the law ... its hilarious the laws the government breaks.  

He recalls prison escapes ... getting shot down ... going to prison . Best fucking story I have heard in a while 

   If I ever met this guy I would offer to buy him a meal and a big fat joint. 

   I will feature the youtube video that I saw. Its a fascinating story and this guy is one hell of a man . 

  Oh yea ... if I forgot to mention it ... Fuck the U.S. government and the CRIMINALS running most of it ... You fat lazy bastards can suck my libertarian dong.  

  Roger Reaves is my hero and fat lazy cops are poop faces. 



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