I would like to clear up some misconceptions about this blog. I am not the boss here. I dont want to be the boss here and please dont tell people I am the boss here and if I ever act like that please bring it to my attention and tell me to fuck off.  I also suck at run on sentences and punctuation. 

   We have had an influx of newer people here and that is a great thing. The more people who post here can only make it more fun and interesting. 

  This blog is not like any blog.. or any blog I have seen. 

  Here are the main things about this blog that make it different ... 

 Only one easy to follow common sense rule that is almost impossible to argue about. No threats/doxing

 The mods here do not get to use their mod powers to ban or spam or delete your comments upon a whim. That is essentially the reason for this blog. You will not get banned unless you threaten someone and thats a really stupid thing to do on a blog so its an easy rule to enforce. 

  I (Stan) do not make the rules here ... Its already made. I did start this blog and I have the head mod spot on the computer screen thingy ... 

  I never wanted to start a blog. I just really like Messing around on Disqus and no one was running a blog just the way I thought one should be run, so I started this one. This place is not about me ... its about being fair and getting treated fairly while you have a fun time posting whatever you want on a blog ... You might not be treated nice, you might not even like anyone who posts comments here , but its not because the mods were poop heads who messed with your disqus account by spamming your comments and other equally stupid and vindictive stuff. I think that takes all the fun out of Disqus. 

  I have made others mods here and the mod panel is an open book ... just ask and we will tell .... 

   I have invited others to write Articles here and if you are a regular user here, I will probably let you write an article thing also .... 

   If anyone else thinks I am the boss of this place I will delete the blog and troll your disqus account until you throw your computer in a dumpster...   Because that would be funny.  

  Everyones opinions matter here and I think my opinion should carry as much weight as anyone elses here. If I ever act like a total douche boss of a blog, please start a blog called the 422nd and just make fun of me. 

One day you will be dead, Dont spend all of today being a dick. 


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