Monday: Sunflowers Part III

 New post because Disqus is being Disqus and has serious lag.

Did you know their are over 70 types of Sunflowers?

I found this one quite attractive.

I rember in my youth living in Tel Aviv sunflower seeds were quite popular. There would be street venders that sold roasted nuts (yes save the jokes you pervs) and seeds. Would get a small paper sack of sunflower seeds and eat them while waiting for the bus. I remember there would always be a pile of shells on the ground of every bus stop.

Beautiful city, wonderful people. Perhaps one day I will have time to go back.

Enjoy you wonderful bastards and let your freak flag fly!



Thanks for making a thread Bob, These fuckers around here are lazy.

I wanted to share my opinion about the current war and i did not want to make another new thread before this one had 5 comments. 

The below is my silly opinion and observations. You can skip over it if you would like. 

  It looks like Ukraine is holding out better than expected.

Nato is flooding the place with anti tank and anti aircraft missiles. Volunteers are starting to arrive in Ukraine to fight. Russia's economy is taking a hit. Its easy to be against the war in Ukraine. Russia is attacking a smaller and less powerful sovereign nation that never wanted war. Some russian civilians are even protesting. I was watching some Russian news and this old lady was toting the party line that there was no war, it was a military action and that Russia was helping Ukraine. This made me think ..... THAT WOMAN IS A FUCKING IDIOT for blindly being a patriotic russian. She eats all the bullshit she is fed and she would rather run with the group than to think critically. Now lets put the shoe on the other foot. Are you American ? Because America has done this same exact thing several times while I have been alive. So lets see if I can remember all the countries we have pulled a similar stunt on in my lifetime. 1. Vietnam 2. Granada 3. Panama 4 Iraq 5 Afghanistan I remember all the bullshit reasons why we had to save these people from themselves. Russia protested every one of these military actions in the United Nations So I hope everyone remembers the people in Ukraine ..... And the people listed in the five countries above.

My name is Stan. I am a descendant of Russian Poles on my moms side. I am American.
But before all that, I am a human. Same as you. Same as those poor Ukrainians who are defending their country. Same as the 20 year old Russian soldiers. Many of whom look amazingly similar to me and most of the people in my family.

So what do you think about the war?
Can you be as critical to your country as you can be towards Russia? Not all Russians are stupid and thousands have been arrested for protesting an unjust war.

I hope the Ukrainians hold out, but no one knows what is going to happen yet.

Next Time America invades some country ... because we do it way more often than Russia .... What will be your attitude then ?

Who is right when everyone is wrong ?


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