Russia is almost as bad as America

 Recently Russia has acknowledged the independence of two areas of Ukraine. These two areas split off after a pro Russian president was not elected. 2014 I think that was the year. 

So an area fills up with Russians and then all these Russians get pissed at the Ukrainians, and guess who they ask for help? Yep ... Putin. 

  Russia already annexed the Crimean Peninsula.  Has everyone forgot about that already? 

 So what is Stans awesome opinion as an American? Let me tell you. Russia, even after it annexes the two areas will have been a nicer country than the United States when dealing with its neighbors. 

  Let me introduce you to a country called Mexico. At one time, Texas was part of Mexico. Mexico gave mexican citizenship to any American who would move to Texas and take mexican citizenship.  When a bunch of Americans moved in and forgot they were all technically Mexicans ... they thought ... hey ... lets get rid of the Mexicans. 

  So mexico loses a war with the Texans and then texas becomes part of the USA ... JUST LIKE CRIMEA DID LAST YEAR ... 

  Then as new Americans, the texans notice some mexicans above the Rio Grande and another war starts. Mexico lost that war badly ...and the United States bought New Mexico California Nevada, part of Washington ... and the rest of the west .... 

   So after winning the war, the Americans basically told the Mexicans that they could stop the war and sell all that area (over half of mexico at the time) for like 18 million dollars. 

  That is the equivalent of starting a fight with your neighbor, winning that fight, and after its won ... you say ... Listen ... 

  We are a decent people... For $10 we can stop fighting and all you have to do is give me half your property and let me fuck your wife and your three daughters.  It wont be rape or robbery because we will give you $10.00 in case anyone asks.

  Thats what America did to Mexico. 

So yea ... Is Russia fucking Ukraine .. YEP 

Is Russia fucking Ukraine as bad as we fucked Mexico .... NOT EVEN CLOSE

... HISTORY .. Read it so you dont look stupid getting into an argument with Stan. He is really smart for a stupid Libertarian. 

 Here is Putin in Ukraine in 2010 Riding a Harley and flying a Uker flag. Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction. 

 So next time someone mentions how bad Russia is .... Just ask them if they have ever been to California. .... Then Laugh ....

Bottom note: 

The main reason for this blog is to have a place for fair moderation. I think the moderation here is great and no one is banned. 

The not main reason  for this blog is for Stan to have a place to post his radical and most often common sense opinions on life, politics and pussy. If Stan sucks at writing and his opinions suck, Please start your own Blog and Invite Stan ... I bet you wont :)  

(this offer is not open to paul or MAt because you guys get it) 




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