The Mandalorian ... my opinion


     Its a cute show. The plot line they are using could have been written by most sixth graders, but hey .. Lucas is gone.

    So I have some questions that I need answered. 

 Why did they show the Mandalorians face in season two ? YOU STUPID FUCKING DISNEY FUCKERS ... that was one of the coolest things about this new show ... you left a little for the imagination ... now you fucked that up. 

 What a cool thing could have been done at the end of the series with the Identity of the Mandalorian ... You guys fucked the pooch on that one Disney ... Hate to say it. 

     Why does Growgu have those big tadpole eyes ? Yoda had regular eyes and you can show more emotion and movement with normal eyes ... instead Growgu has zombie eyes ... You fucked the pooch on that one also Disney.  

    One extra bit of advice .. If you are going to come to this blog and act outraged ... hide your history .. if I find out that you post here and other silly blogs, I might laugh next time you claim to be shocked and disgusted 

I am beginning to think you like it :) 


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