National De-Transition Awareness Day


Are you aware about de-transitioning?  Most folks are not because the voices of the trans gender warriors have drowned out  this reality within their community. Speaking about such realities is met with a hush hush voice when it need not be. De-transitioning numbers are vastly increasing  and the trans community needs to be able to speak about this as well as the medical community. Ignoring the voices of the de-trans only hurts the trans community and our ability to trust our doctors. There is no shame when someone  honestly comes forward and says "I made a mistake". We should applaud such bravery in the same way we applaud someone admitting their alcoholism and the harm it causes themselves and others around them.  Like the addict, these folks need support and the medical community needs to do their due diligence in investigating why this happening so we never again unnecessarily hack up the body parts of otherwise healthy men and women. No one is the WRONG body. Our bodies are not WRONG. No one is the wrong gender. Any authentic trans person will tell you that they understand they  suffer from dysphoria and surgery is just not for all and certainly does not make you into the opposite gender. 

The biggest number for de-transitioning comes from women and it begs the question 'why do so many girls transition in the first place?'. We are slowly discovering the same pattern of girls that would turn to bulimia/anorexia in the '80s/'90s are now replacing starvation for testosterone. Self hatred, undiagnosed autism and  sexual abuse drive young women to abandon their female figures. And just like an anorexic would starve in order to lose attention from her womanly shape and attractiveness  and from the men who abuse, these girls now cut off their breasts, their hair and pump their bodies with hormones that we cannot naturally 'digest' with the same purpose of driving out the enemy. Doing so has become easier and easier, unfortunately, thanks to the internet and Planned Parenthood. PP now gives out testosterone shots to take home with little to no follow up. PP gets their funds and throws these girls under the bus when it comes to actually caring. Wanting to change your gender comes with a couple clicks on the internet these days  and BOOM, you're in. 

I will not make this a long or lengthy OP but I will be posting in the comments some tweets from de-transitioners that are VALID and whose voices need to be heard! I will also include a interesting YouTube video I recently watched that puts 3 biological men with 3 trans men discussing what is a man. Its a little long but its worth watching. And while we are at it.....What is a woman? I would love everyone to answer this!

Looking forward to a healthy discussion! Peace & Love, GG.


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