The Glorious Firefly

 Hello Kiddies!

This is just a quick post to cover the never ending lag on Disqus.

I was going to write a followup to yesterdays OP but that will have to wait for a day or two (don't worry Karen you will get the attention you seek). I am still working on 'ol Betsey I came across a few extra issues that need to be addressed when replacing the transmission.

Last night as I was wrapping up I was pleasantly surprised. It has just turned dark and behold the woods were lit up! Yes the fireflies, AKA lightning bugs, were out!

During the daytime they are an unassuming little creature

But at nighttime they are a thing to behold!

It takes me back to my childhood when we would chase and catch them. One of the small simple joys of living in the country that city dwellers will never know.

That's all for now



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