This is NOT your safe space this is the 421st!


There has been a lot of whining and crying lately because some posters of different political views have been showing up here at the Glorious Dumpster Fire.

All I can say is "It sucks to be you_" This is NOT your safe place. There is no crying in baseball. If you come here put your big girl panties on. Not only will you see opinions you do not like but you will be met with scorn and ridiculed if you act like a nancypants about it!

This is what freedom of all about. This is what the 421st is all about. This is what Stan is all about.

So grow up, quit your crying, and try to have some fun. If you start feeling triggered and butthurt when you realize this is not an echo chamber built just for you remember these sage words:


PS: Kathy Griffith is a no talent hack that never got off the d-list and is still trying to be relevant. I find her crying about potential violence against  "comedians" hilarious. I guess she has no sense of irony to go along with her lack of comedic skills.


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