What Makes You Smile?


Recently our mask mandate as been lifted and while that gives most of us something to smile about, for me, it was actually seeing the smiles of strangers again that made me smile. 
There is many things that make me smile in this world that I don't think I could list them all off.  My kids make me laugh and smile the most! I always smile for my children, even when things are not great because I owe them that from me. Even when they are in their most miserable teen moods, I smile and tell them 'I love you' because I need to be that person for them. My kids have seen me cry, they have seen me mad but the best thing I can give them, besides my heart, is my smile. A smile can reassure us at times when other things in life seem uncertain. A smile is always free but its rich in value!
As far as objects go, flowers make me smile and so does feeling  the sun on my face. Chocolate makes me fat but it too makes me smile. 

What makes you smile?
What event, person or thing made you smile this month ?

Post any songs, memes etc that go with the theme! Peace & Love, GG.


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