@ PART THREAD : Most Iconic Movie Quotes and why Elon mush is stupid


Movies have entertained and delighted us over the years but how many times have we found ourselves quoting a line from a movie over and over again?

Perhaps we quote such a line because it made an impact with us or perhaps it sums up a situation you find yourself in.

Share your most memorable movie quotes. Why do you like that quote/movie?

Feel free to post a quote and have the other 421st'ers guess the movie.

Peace & Love, GG.


Elon Musk could have saved 44 billion dollars and just posted at the 421st. Poor guy thought that expressing himself was expensive. 
So say what you want at the 421st .. and save yourself 44 billion .....
Poor guy is gonna piss all his money away and end up making biscuits at Jimmy Johns while Jimmy is having fun shooting stuff and pissing off hypocrites .... Poor Elon . 
The bottom part of this post was written by Stan because there are no rules here and I love GGs threads but I also wanted to talk about Jimmy Musk and Elon John . Thank you 


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