Smart phones ... are you stupid ? LONG STAN RANT


 I hate cell phones. I hated them when they first came out, I hated them when they turned into smart phones, and I hate them more now. 

  I was 28 when i got my first Nokia shit phone back in 2000. The only reason I got it was for work. 

 I can not stand the thought of people keeping me on a leash. I don't like the feeling of being under someone's thumb or being observed when I don't need to be observed. 

  So I made peace with cell phones and I had a flip phone until recently. Flip phones are the lesser and cheaper of two evils when compared to smart phones. 

 Last month they get rid of 3 G and my flip phone gets disconnected ... no more service available ... and my wife said it was time to get me a smart phone and got me one with a fancy case and all the extra bullshit ....  

  So I hate smart phones. Let me give the reasons why . 

 1. Its a sheet of glass .... what the fuck is ergonomic about holding a piece of glass to your face and talking ?   Other shapes are much more comfortable for phones 

Your face and head are not flat like a piece of glass ... and neither are your hands . ... 

2. All the extra shit to do for a phone call. So with this new smart phone I have to enter a security code into the phone to operate it. There is no way to disconnect this feature unless I want to use my thumb print, also not happening
  So I have to lock my cell phone and I have no choice. I can not decide to leave my phone unlocked because ... well I dont know ... the whole fucking world is stupid and this is one example. 

 3. So I tried to be a good husband and use the smart phone. We always chat over the phone at lunch time, or at least we used to. So I use the shit ass phone for a few days ... I dont like it ... its huge and heavy and has a glass face that you have to be carefull to touch correctly ... and FUCKING BLAMMO It happens .... 
 I was trying to call my wife at lunch and i must have touched the wrong part of the screen and GOOGLE shows up on the screen .... and I can accept the google terms and service ... to get the screen to disappear ( I am not going to let google spy on me so no) 
There was no X button to delete the google screen .... I guess most people with cell phones hit accept on this screen without thinking and continue to use the phone .... NOT STAN 

 I turned the phone off and turned it back on .... I texted my wife that I will never use the phone again and that i was getting ready to break it in half and throw it in the woods. I came home and put this worthless piece of shit in the change jar on top of the refrigerator ...... 

   I miss having pay phones. They were way cheaper and more convenient than these stupid cell phones .... and no one was trying to track your location and your contacts when you stopped to make a fucking call. 

Also its glass ... so if you drop it... it breaks .... 

  So I need another flip phone that does not come with instant internet access ... I have a computer at home for computing .. Phones are for calling ... Can anyone reccomend a phone for a guy like me in 2022 ? 

There was a cooperate genius who decided to make everyone pay for a way for companies and governments to spy on them. Just for laughs he made it out of glass so they were easy to break ..... just to prove to God that all of humanity was fucking stupid....  


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