Why Personal Pronouns is Compelled Speech.


Hi. My name is GG. I use the internet and my avi is a gumdrop. Sometimes people think I am a man. Then I correct them and tell them I am woman. They generally say "oh sorry" and then I respond, "no problem"
No feelings need to get hurt about an honest mistake. No one needs to go to jail. No one needs to die because of a mistake. 
Its not offensive. PERIOD!
Being offended isn't a crime and nor should it be. 
What is a crime? Compelling and demanding that people MUST address and view you in a way that does not offend you and only you alone. Heaven to Betsy, if they do get offended because now they can use their tears along with a new amendment to fine people by their own government and be deemed guilty of a hate crime! What country would do such a thing?
Canada, of course!

The amendment is called Bill C-16. It was an amendment to our Human Rights and Criminal Code. It basically  makes A DEMAND on speech simply on the basis of not offending someone's gender expression. What ever expression you want, in fact. Whatever personal expression you decide or create as its all up to you, can now be a crime and chargeable offense. Charges for anyone who doesn't want to play along with your pronoun of the month, even if you want to use the pronoun 'zazoo/wahoo'. Not abiding by such will make us be the ones facing large fines. And if those fines are not paid? Jail is next. All for saying the wrong words or even worse, the right ones but not according to the offended!

Its one thing to mandate or at least give consequences to what you shouldn't say. ex/ saying FIRE in a movie theatre when there isn't one  but Bill c-16 is different. Its different because this mandates what you HAVE to say. This is the real crime.
Respect is earned. You cannot legislate your way into acceptance or piggy back off the hard work of the original LGB fighters. You can dress as you want, love whoever you want to love and use whatever pronoun you want in your personal circle but you cannot FORCE how strangers view you and how they HAVE to speak to you. Not adhering to such ridiculous pronoun demands will not cause someone to die either. If someone doesn't know the pronouns you made up or changed on a whim, it is not equal to murder. Heck, half the time its not even important to recognize your obvious pronouns for most interactions. 
Example. "Hi. I would like a latte." "that will be $5.25. Thank you" See? 
The barista doesn't need to have a tag saying he/her. An email from Marsha with the big boobs in accounting who slept with Carl at the christmas party doesn't need to let me know she is a she.

Mark who now wants to be called Lidia and who uses plastic surgery as a "treatment" can call herself a she all he wants but deep down inside he knows he's not  fooling anyone. This is what really  makes Mark mad. Now Mark needs to cry about it to HR and when that doesn't work, we end up with things like Bill C-16. It uses our basic definition of biological truths and now claims these truths are now criminal offenses. Bu they are offenses if ONLY CERTAIN people deem it so. So my truth is truth but if not according the gender warriors? Shouldn't there be one truth? Having varied truth is now then a crime if the gender warriors want it to be a crime. Its all up to their feelings. Not the actual truth but someone else's feelings. Be guilty of such a crime but the offended go back to their original gender pronouns a year later? Sorry. You can't get your money back or the criminal strike against you can't removed. You are now guilty of a hate crime. Permanently!

Let's be honest...No matter how you feel about the topic the reality is that if you work with someone or met a new neighbour and they look like a man but introduce themselves as "Susi" we'd  call you Susi but I should NEVER be given a legal obligation to view you as a woman in my own mind. To me? That is what it means to misgender.   You cannot misgender yourself into a gender you are not because you simply "feel" like a lady. This is not transphobia. This is FORCING people to speak in a certain way so these selective offended  people are not "offended". BUT it comes at the cost of YOU being offended instead and that doesn't matter to the gender warriors. In fact, its now criminal. 

This isn't a trans right. This is not right at all!  This is nothing more then authoritarianism. Trans lives are not at risk for simply being misgendered. If calling you he instead of she puts you in a state of wanting to jump off a bridge, you are NOT mentally strong in the first place. You need help. Professional help. There is no shame in seeking help.  The reality is 99% of the people you meet in life, even if they disagree with your pronoun will call you such to not rock the boat. What is dangerous about Bill C-16 is not just forcing speech towards the person but even when the person in question isn't even there you have to call them by their pronoun. People are banned for saying Ellen Page and not Elliot Page on Twitter. Banned! Banned until you retract participating in an open discussion.  And secondly, it forces "group think" about things that are dishonest. No longer do you have the freedom to even think for oneself. You HAVE to think like others do. How far do we have to go to truly lose our freedom?
When we lose our words and our meanings, we lose our freedoms. We lose our true selves for the unique beings we are. What baffles me the most? For a group of people that want to "freely express" themselves so much, you should be thinking twice about what you are demanding for our future because when there is no longer a place for  me and you to work things out between ourselves... all that is left  is the government to do it for us. That should scare everyone!
What do you think?
Peace & Love, GG.

This Thread was authored By GG Gumdrop
All the pictures except the top one were added by Stan. 
I hope this is ok GG .. IT was such a great thread, I thought it need more visuals.
A Thought provoking  original article that defines someone's position on a subject, This really is a great thread. I also want to thank everyone for not banning me 


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