What Was Your Very First Job?


What was the first job you ever had? Why did you get a job in the first place? Did you want to work or did your parents make you work? A little bit of both?

My first official job was at a pharmacy. After school on Friday I would take the bus to the restaurant my brother was head chef at to get some dinner and then change from my uniform. The pharmacy was only a couple blocks away. I would work until 9pm and then would go out for a little with the other gals that I worked with. I would go back in again on Saturday and that worked out too as my dad had his business downtown too. He would use Saturday to catch up on work so I would get dropped off and then walk over when the store closed. Before the pharmacy job, I just helped my dad with any tasks that needed to be done but the pay was terrible! :P

Share your first job stories! Or not......LOL
Peace & Love, GG.


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