Gas Prices suck. What are your plans?


 So the Oil companies are going at out wallets like drunken frat boys at their first strip club. They are going hard and they are having a great time. 

  Yesterday I found a cheap spot and got gas for $4.29 a gallon. I know this is still not much compared to what Europeans and Australians pay. One part of California had gas for over $7 a gallon. So I wont cry too loud.  But it sucks. 

  I have started driving a little slower this week. 60-65 mph instead of 70-75. This has improved my gas mileage from around 40 mpg ( miles per gallon for all you foreigners) to around 43 mpg (18.2 KPL). 

  Has anyone thought about buying an electric car yet ? My next one will definitely be electric at $5 a gallon.  Has anyone thought of trading in that big shitty SUV yet? 

  The car market is super tight. Ford Motor company is planning for a huge fall off in business in two years ... 2024ish .. 

 I will save my money and buy a car after the market slows down or crashes. What are you planning ? 

  The Chevy Bolt looks pretty good. I would tint those windows and get high every day in my new electric car .... 



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