What Are Some Of The Most Dumbest Things You Have Seen or Read On A Blog/Chat Site?


The best part about blogs and various chat sites is that everyone has a voice. The worst part about blogs and various chat sites is that everyone has a voice!

There truly are some dumb folks out there using the internet. Thankfully, we get to witness such remarks and laugh at them and sometimes their comments or pics can turn into great memes too. In order to do this though, you have to have something called a sense of humour. A healthy sense of humour allows one the ability to point and laugh at things that are silly or stupid. If you do not possess such humour, you are sad and your finger is left wagging. No one likes a wagging finger!!!!!

Share in the comments the dumbest remarks you have read on the internet that made you shake your head or laugh your head off!
You can post screen shots or just recall a particular situation.....or not. 
Peace & Love, GG.


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