What's In A Name?


“What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” - Shakespeare

Do you like your birth name? Have you ever felt like changing it? Does your real name have an interesting story or any special meaning behind it?

When I was born, I was the only one in our family to be given a more english sounding name and I continued that with my kids. No Antonia or Guido for me. LOL. Both children were given their middle name after their great grandparents on their dad's side so the memory of two amazing people live on.

What are some of the strangest names you have heard or come across? 

How did you come up with your AVI name?

Share your answers and anything else that has to do with NAMES......or not.
Peace & Love, GG

*editors note, Stan added the Peace Eshiet photo *


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