Americans are silly


   I woke up this morning at 5:45 am and the sun was coming up. I am so glad that Daylight Savings Time was ended. The United States is the only country that will change the clocks to get more work out of people. There was a time before electricity where it made sense if you wanted the sun to help you make money. 

   So they left it in place until 2022 because it takes the congress 150 years to realise that we have electricity now and we can wake up and work whenever we want. 

   " Americans always do the right thing, After they try everything else first" ... Winston Churchill 

 That might not be an exact quote ... but i think its close ... I might be a stoner .... but how many Winston Churchill books have you read ?.... I read one :)  

 He was half American .... so I was able to scan over the other half of the book that was stupid. 


Have a great day 

Peace and love SS Standrop 



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