Breaking News: Woman Stabbed in crotch by fish


A 70 year old woman was stabbed in the groin as she and others tried to bring a sailfish onto a boat near Stuart Florida. 

Her companions applied pressure to the wound ( I would pay money for a picture of that)  She was taken to the hospital. 

As a guy who spent many years as a young man in South Florida, dealing with with rich,old snowbirds, all I have to say is HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA . 

 Fucking old tourist thought a fishing trip would be so fun. Lets go on a boat and try to hook the biggest, most rare fish we can. When I was a child, I would always laugh about stories where the tourists got attacked by gators. Everyone hates a tourist. 

  So your rich old ass came to florida and got attacked by some locals ? Even if it was just the Fish and the gators .... we were always proud of them as Floridians. 

Original story link :

 Its like the stories about the deer hunters getting fucked up by a buck in the woods .... 

I hate to see anyone get hurt .... but the Karma part makes me laugh :) 


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