Gender Stereotypes


Men. Women. Do we really understand each other or are we destined to not have a clue? Personally I think we are a perfect compliment to one another. I really do!

Lately when I read some of the comments here I feel some folks are saying the exact same thing but we don't see it as such. This isn't targeted at anyone and can TOTALLY include myself! So it got me thinking....are we saying the same thing but just speaking different language? A different gender language perhaps? So here is some fun questions to ask today. 

1)  Do you think of the opposite gender in a stereotypical way? If so, negatively or positively? 

2) Do you think in 2022 we should get past gender stereotypes? 

3) Are YOU a stereotype of your gender? If not, do others who ARE a stereotype of such bother you? ex//if you are a female, do you dislike girly girls?

4)  Do stereotypes hinder one from getting hired from for job these days? Do stereotypes possibly limit someone from applying????? Ex//  Do you feel a woman MMA fighter makes her less feminine? Does being a stay-at-home dad make him any less macho? 

5) Is there anything about the opposite gender that bothers you? Or do you feel its no longer about gender but just a personality trait at this point?

Here is a link to a quiz. If you feel like it......Apparently I scored pretty high meaning I have expected roles for men and for women. Leave your HATE comments about this below. LOL



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