How Many Partners Is Too Many? Is One Partner For Life Enough?


Has "body count" ever been an issue for you when choosing to be in a relationship with someone in the past? I was listening to some young folks in their 20's talk on a couple podcasts recently about this subject  and it got me thinking to when I was younger and how I viewed such numbers back then. I wasn't surprised that men still think women should have a LOW body count number in order to be "relationship worthy" but do not worry about the numbers when just having a one night stand. In fact, one night stands are better if the woman has a higher body count.  As for the young women, not all, but they still seem to care about being with someone that does not have a super high body count whether its a one night stand or relationship but understood or accepted the man's number would be greater then theirs. 

Have you ever felt the need to lie about your body count when entering a relationship? If so, why? Did you feel like your number was too high and perhaps felt like you might be judged so you fibbed the number instead? Is it important to share this information when entering a long term relationship. Does it  affect how you see the person? Now that you are older, have your changed your position on how you feel about such? 

Do you feel like there is a double standard when it comes to body count numbers for men and women? Do you think its acceptable for a woman to have a higher body count these days because we have contraception, women having more freedom to live alone without the need of a partner these days. Is it fair for women to reject men who's body count is too high? Does someone's past count?

Do you think its possible to have only ONE sexual partner and be satisfied for the rest of your life? 

What makes a hoe/slut/player versus someone just having a high number? Is it the behaviour or the number count??


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