NoNouns Are The New Pronouns!


Happy Friday and welcome to 421st, the land of NoNouns! 

What does NoNouns even mean? NoNouns mean whatever the hell you want it to mean. 

Dis Gus goes by FUCKOFFYOUIDIOT and if you can't address fuckoffyouidiot this way, you have no business being here! He made me say that! This thread  was his idea, FACT.

Note: Ok. yes you can still post here regardless because Stan runs  a great free speech site. 
See,  that's how free speech works. Too bad  one some people here do not respect that freedom and instead choose to spit on such freedoms by using their time to threaten the women here. Threaten by encouraging  them to harm themselves because somehow their pronouns on a chat site where it doesn't matter is far more important then the actual  lives of the women themselves. FACT

What are your NoNouns today? 

Remember, today we MUST address one another with the NoNoun we dictate to others for a full day. If you don't, you are a nazi!  A NoNoun NAZI !! FACT

Why do you think the Pronoun People, (PP'S)  hate the NoNouns so much?  Pronoun People just want to hurt the NoNoun People! FACT

This is not a GG thread.  
Signed, Dis Gus's NoNouns speaking for Dis Gus. FACT


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