OnlyFans: Does This Empower Women or Just Make Things Worse?


OnlyFans. We've all heard of it despite the company being only about 5ish years old. It started off ok but once COVID and lock downs hit, its user base skyrocketed  to over 130M+ people using the site and the gals  posting on it making upwards of $5B, yes, billion. Many porn stars now are moving over to this genre as they feel they can make more money then actually 'porning'. (lol. I made that word up)

Women can create an account and have fans subscribe to watch them pose in any way they ask if the price is right but does this come at a cost? Are women selling themselves freely  because they know men will buy it? Is posing naked an actual career? What about the women forced into this type of work or feel they have no choice, is it a career then too?

Is it empowering for women to control or win over the porn/prostitution  industry by using OnlyFans instead and being their own boss?

Do men feel morally better about using  OnlyFans because of  its controlled imagery compared to the porn industry  which doesn't allow the women to really "agree" to the scenes the men watch on the videos?

Do women selling themselves as sex objects contribute to women being disrespected in general? Or is this solely just "blame the men"? 

While 18 is legal to start selling content, is being that young.....just too young?

Please ask more questions to this topic as this is just a few thoughts but I am sure you guys will have more thoughts to add to this subject.

Lets talk! GG


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