The 421st has become the target of trolls.


 Lately, there has been an abundance of troll accounts and vicious, nasty slanderous attacks on some people and their opinions. I have noticed that people are making accounts and then trolling this place and then deleting the account and all the comments. 

  This would be frowned upon at most Blogs. This is not most Blogs.  The Mods here do a fantastic job and they don't get enough thanks for messing around in the moderation stuff because I don't ever fuck with it. Thank you ladies (mostly) and gents.

The mods here are the greatest for what they refuse to do. They won't  ban you for stupid shit. They don't delete your stupid shit or spam your comments. Thats the magic of this place, and it would not be possible without their help.

 So I would just like to say that the trolls are here. Some of the most notorious people who have trolled Disqus from its beginning have put the crosshairs on this place. Good luck retards .... you still aint banned and we are still laughing at you ..... amateurs 

  You wish you could piss us off bad enough to get banned or have anyone care. You cant and we dont.


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