Celebrating REAL MEN in dresses.


 Today we celebrate men in dresses. When referring to "men" in this article I will be using it in the classical sense, with a penis attached. 

 Men from Scotland like to wear dresses. I dont understand why because my balls get cold if left out in the winter wind. I have balls because I am a man. They are quite important for the whole man thing, in case someone has told you different.   

 Real men in Scotland wear dresses because they can. The lesbians stole the flannel shirt idea, so the scots are going back to the man dress.


 I would like everyone to know that I support Men and their Scottish dresses. I even support little male people in dresses. 

 So lets be inclusive at the 421st. We celebrate diversity and no one gets banned here. Say what you want to anyone you want. 

  So today we celebrate Men in dresses ... Remember, if you dont have a penis and a set of balls, you are probably not a man. 

 Its ok if you dont have a penis. Tomorrow we will celebrate cleaning the kitchen and let all the ladies chime in with their girl opinions.


  This article was written by Stan 


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