Free Speech: Is Social Media Killing It?


I watched this video and I found it really interesting. It basically is discussing the powers social media now hold on freedom like speech and how social media can now pick and choose who gets to speak and who does not on their platform. It also has a protected legal right to censorship! So it begs the this really free speech? 

There is so many people getting kicked off social media these days and not even for violations of the rules but for their "followers" saying something offensive or if someone's feelings get hurt despite it not being a direct attack. Ex// GG getting kicked off twitter for saying "its far braver to live one's life despite their healthy breasts" 

Here is the video. 

If we don't have free speech we have free speech at all?

Social Media sites puts warnings up that certain speech is not tolerated on their site but who is determining what is "trolling" "racist" "misogynistic" "transphobic" even is ? Do you think these companies change their definitions  of these words based on feelings and not facts???????


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