My Day At The Creek


So the "F Trudeau" each drink people were at the creek again today. They seem to be at the creek a lot. I assumed so because they are very tanned. Some of the women insist on wearing tiny bikinis even though their bodies are not tiny. I think one of those women must be the lucky "bitch that doesn't have to work".

Today they tossed around a football and their 2 youngest daughters, perhaps no more then 10 years old twerked to Culture Club and then  Shaggy for us creek swimmers. The least fat mom wore a triangle, barely there bikini and twerked doing a head stand. I am glad she shaved.

One of the drunk men later tried to use the rope swing and told the kids, including my own, to watch out because he's "going to show them how its done". My kids said he smelled, he was tripping and slurring. I am just glad he didn't tell them to F Trudeau while hanging off the rope. 


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