Hash It Out #Hashtag Friday


Have a beef? Who cares this is about hash browns today. No. It's about neither

#Hashtag someone and clear the air, tell them something nice.......I don't care. You mofo's are all freaks.

#Ivor It was Oxy who not only called stay-home-moms  welfare pieces of garbage but insisted I was single and instead of apologizing after it was confirmed I DID work and DID have a spouse, SHE called him such a name because she was so focused on being angry at me then admitting she was wrong.
Us making fun back is to make a troll look silly because they have no power over me.
OK, there PERRY MASON. CASED CLOSED! Try learning the situation before just jumping on something you know nothing about. I hope this stops your insistent need to bash me too. It's getting old and if there is a reason you need to be angry, speak it because this is looking silly at this point. 

Clear the air........or not. 
Happy Friday. 


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