Trans Teacher or Just a Troll?


With so many trolls about I thought I'd throw one more in the pot to discuss today.

Have you seen the news about this shop teacher from Ontario? If not, basically this year HE decided to show up to school looking like this. The school stands by the teacher and "her" gender expression and has gone out of its way to protect the privacy of this teacher despite protest and even student complaints.

Note: It is school policy that no one can wear articles of clothing that expose ones breasts or genitals. 
Also to note, these are not just fake breasts that trans or breast cancer survivors after a mastectomy can purchase as NO place would sell something this ridiculous and call these "life like" or "natural".  No one has breasts like this because these can only be purchased from  a fetish site for kink play. 

But here comes the fun part....
It has been claimed that it's possible that this teacher is TROLL and acting this outrageous to prove a point that a school would defend a teacher dressed in kink just to appear "tolerant". It was said, although allegedly, that last year this teacher got in some hot water with another staffer because he accused of "red pilling" the boys in his shop class about gender neutral bathrooms being ridiculous.  Think about it, he's leading a class looking like this and not even using shop safety at this point (loose hair, clothing is always to be tied back, safety glasses on at all times etc) when he ALWAYS did before? 

What do you think?
Do you think the teacher is a troll?
If proven that he is, should he be fired?


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