Trump eats entire bag of dicks


  Thanks to Donald Trump and his legal team, Mr. Trump has eaten so many dicks this week that even his lawyers have to get lawyers. 

 It is my opinion that the former president is a scum bag and not a nice person. He also keeps tops secret shit in his desk drawer. 

Trump can declassify stuff just by thinking about it. Thats what he said in an interview yesterday .... To bad he cant do something with that fucked up hair at 80 years old .. Jesus Christ man ... Stop with the combover, you are already eating dicks by the bag. 

 Trump said he does not have to eat dicks if he thinks about it. All he has to do is think about it.... 

  He will never get charged with a crime because the Democrats are just as crooked as the republicans and jails are for poor people. 

Hunter biden also ate a dick after smoking crack  


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