Dogs in Ukraine

 The war in Ukraine has killed over a hundred thousand people now. This is depressing. In most wars, poor people tend to get killed at a much higher rate. Poor people dont tend to leave the country when the fighting starts. Poor peoples kids serve in the army as rich peoples kids go to college. This phenomena is not new to Ukraine or this war. 

  Who gets and even shittier deal in war than poor people? Dogs. 

  I found a picture of a young Ukrainian soldier with a stray puppy in his backpack headed for war. It made me so mad I almost started to cry. You mother fuckers are killing the kids and the puppies. 

 As a 50 year old dude who is now a grandfather, this makes me very upset. I would like to get into Putins office alone and explain to him what he is doing to the children and the dogs. 

 Old men sending young men to die.. Women hiding in basements while stray dogs die of starvation. Its happening on both sides. IT makes me very upset and I want to grab Putin by the neck  and have an old man talk with him !!!!!! 

 The world is fucked. I am now going to Smoke some pot and feel powerless for a while. It helps to keep me grounded and humble. 

 That god damned picture upset the shit out of me and I wont post it. Love your children and your dogs ... not everyone gets to. 


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