Should The Wealthy Be Fined More For Traffic Tickets?


A few BC City Councillors  recently brought forth the idea that our province needs to change how and how much we charge for traffic fines in order to better reflect the income of the offender. The main drive behind this is someone given $100 infraction for speeding will have a more difficult time paying such fine if they hold a minimum waged job.
This idea is not new and is currently being used in other countries such as Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, Finland and few others. The reasoning for using this besides compassion for the lower income offender is that $100 fine would most likely not deter a wealthy person as such amount is chump change to them.

Do you think traffic tickets should be income based fines?

Do you think our personal income should be reviewed by the traffic court system in the first place?

Do you think this system will deter things like speeding?


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