Jimmy Carter is in Hospice.

  Jimmy Carter is the first president I can remember. I was 8 when he left office. I remember peanut jokes and I remember Ronald Regan because all the old people told me he was a movie star and I had no idea who he was. 

 Jimmy Carter is my favorite living president. He left the white house and helped to cure some horrible worm shit in Africa and he built habitat for humanity homes.  

  He helped to get the Egyptians And Israelis to sign a peace treaty and he was an advocate of socialized medicine.  

  He just always seemed like a very caring and thoughtful man. He also pardoned all the draft dodgers. He tried to make the world a better place overall and I think he did it. 

He also won the Nobel peace prize in 2002 for promoting human rights. 

  He came from a time when you would not get elected if someone had a recording of you saying you could grab women by the pussy because you were rich. 

 When Spock said live long and prosper, Jimmy took that shit serious . 

           Well done Mr President  

                 Very well done 

                     Thank you


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