Lurkers: Friday Edition


We've all lurked on another site from time to time but did you know that some folks  not only lurk the 421st Blog 24/7 but also report back their findings to their fictitious team leader that begs to be a mod every blog she's on now but all the site owners deny her such given her past reputation?  That is far too long to spend lurking or begging  but hey, we're not telling you what to do because that would go against the 421st values. We have none so we ain't bothered!

The particular group  lurking is known online as  "THE FRIENDS" and "the friends" have now teamed up with "THE NUMBERS GANG" to form an alliance. The "numbers gang" only has 2 members currently but they have a couple of "side chicks" hooking up with them so they're good with the two. One chick is old, very old and angry and the other has an obsession with midgets which is good because the "numbers gang" leader is an actual midget!

This is just an open Friday page. Have fun.


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