Someone is about to find out

   Here at the 421st we pride ourselves on having the best moderators on any blog available on any internet that might be available on any planet. We are pretty good. 

This blog is like a year and a half old and no one is banned.

 Recently I said howdy to a guy here and he posted a picture of an adult who looked young like a child who was about to lick a dogs butthole. That kind of made me mad that he would do that here.... But it was almost not breaking the rules. 

 Yesterday I said Howdy to a guy and he posted a picture of some little girl who had transitional sex surgery and had become a boy and he posted the pictures of the child without a shirt on after surgery. It was like Chars Picture... but Char is an adult and she posted her pictures... That kid had surgery and did not have a shirt on ... even if it was a young man at that point. 

 Anyways, I just want everyone to know what is going on so there wont be any allegations of nancy pants moderators here. 

 Push the limits here and I will laugh at you. 

Push the limits with pictures of kids or young looking adults and I will ban your ass and tell everyone how stupid you are. 

 There will be no more warnings .. and if you get banned for that, I will PROMISE that it will be a permanent ban ...   

 I hate that you fuckers make me get all moderatable and official but I wont look at another stupid picture with a supposed kid in them... We wont argue about it ... I am done . 

 I am a father and a grandfather . 

Fuck around and find out. 

Stan :)  

 I had an idea about a thread today before I got distracted by an asshole with pictures of kids. 

 I was going to guilt Leslie into buying Mat a backpack cooler that can hold 24 beers ... 

But nooooo .... we are gonna make Stan moderate shit instead..

 Das End just pointed out where i had already warned the guy on another thread .. ( I smoke lots of pot) 

 Howdy is banned .. Perm ban 
 He was already warned ... 

I hate being a fucking moderator 


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