How To Help The Homeless: What Is The Right Solution?


Vancouver's Downtown has take a new type of resident that has taken over. A resident that does not have a residence, to be exact.

Our downtown is changing and the businesses are changing with. With more and more businesses closing and going online paired with less families no longer opting (or affording) to even live in the city any longer, the homeless have expanded greatly in numbers. Open drug use, encampments and violence have all increased over the last couple years.

This is situation isn't new. Many cities face such. The city has tried to open some additional module housing but the already low income homes are over-run and under kept that these new homes will be facing the same fate soon enough.

What solutions do you think we need to combat homelessness? I recognize we all live in different countries but a good solution is a good solution.

Do you think some homeless people really want the help?

Do you think homelessness is someone's own fault therefore do no deserve a hand out? Or do you think our tax dollars should go to more projects when it comes to helping the homeless?

Who has a responsibility to help?


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